

Български Português brasileiro
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Magyar Italiano
日本語 한국어
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オンライン中のユーザー (29)

LCWO.net - Learn CW Onlineへようこそ!


登録 登録は無料、今すぐ登録してCWの腕を磨いてください(ユーザー名 "test"、パスワード"test"でお試し可能)


- コッホ法CWコース
- 高得点 — あなたの成績を他の参加者と比較する
- スピード訓練 (符号グループ, 平文訓練, コールサイン聞き取り, 単語訓練)
- MP3練習ファイル (ダウンロード)
- テキストをCWに変換 (ログイン不要)
- 会議室 ユーザー間の相談やフィードバックのために
- ユーザーグループ
- 順次追加予定...

ニュース [Atom LCWO News Feed] [Atom LCWO Forum Feed]

2024-03-11 - Every user will now find an practice activity "heatmap" on the main page. The same can be enabled on the public profiles! Tnx Matti, OH2CME for the implementation!

2024-03-10 - We now have a collection of 77 Greek proverbs in the Plain Text Training (tnx SV1DAY)!

2023-08-07 - Improvements in Word training (replaying words) and QTC training (just in time for WAE CW!).

2023-01-23 - Over the last months, plain text training was updated with texts in Czech, Japanese and Polish!

2022-01-05 - German word training now contains 30.000 words; thanks to Wolf, DK1ET!

2021-03-18 - Note: LCWO will be down for maintenance starting around 00:00 UTC on March 19th 2021 for a few hours.

2020-09-01 - A "Dark Mode" is now available for people who prefer white font on a black background (in your account settings).

2020-08-05 - LCWO is now available in Korean language (한국어) - tnx Joe, HL5KY!

2020-07-26 - 17.000 words are available now for word training in German. Carefully curated by Wolf, DK1ET. Thanks!

2020-06-24 - New audio player (based on jscwlib) rolled out as the default. Sound is generated locally in the browser, no more delays!


ChangeLog — Please don't hesitate to report any problems, criticisms and suggestions to: Fabian Kurz.