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Thread: Question about Paris

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Posted: 2021-08-01 20:00
My goal is to be able to copy 25 wpm CW. I've been practicing with 23 character speed and 23 effective speed. My question is do I need to be able to copy 28 Paris speed or maybe 30 Paris speed to copy an actual 25 wpm? Or not? I see a box that says "use real speed, not Paris." Does that mean that if I check the box, the code will be sent faster than at Paris speed? If so, how much faster? Thanks.

Posted: 2021-08-01 22:01




Posted: 2021-08-01 22:25
Thanks, Chris. I think I get it now. And, of course, a great thing to do would be to check that little box, try some "real speed," as well as PARIS, and see how I do! 73, Larry

Posted: 2021-08-01 22:36

We could do with a FGA ( or a FAQ at least )

How are you at ( decoding ) on-the-air ?

That's different again . . .

Anyway, very well done so far. Nothing to worry about.



Posted: 2021-08-02 00:06
with the downloadable program of g4fon you can introduce fading (qsb), qrm of other sigs and a certain amount of distortion like irregular length of dots dashes and spacings,

Posted: 2021-08-02 22:55
Thanks, guys. I just checked the box at 21 wpm. I am in shock! It's so much faster when it is not Paris!

Posted: 2021-08-02 23:46

Well it will be faster if it has as many:-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 b c f j l o p q v x y z 0-9 as:-

e h i t a u etc

all crammed into the same time period as a line of "PARIS-es

What are you planning to copy ? Account books ? Military coded messages ?

20 wpm is fine on the bands - plenty of people do CW one a year or so . . .

25/25 paris is good. Do that. That's 25wpm. QSO

Personally I would aim for 20wpm and go onto picking up "abbrevs"
which can be a bit of a challenge maybe . .


Try listening to a short burst of 25/25 mixed letters and digits "REAL" to start your session
might make just letters oddly sound a bit slower and somehow easier when you switch to PARIS ( YMMV )
don't get too involved with hitting 30 wpm "PARIS" before you start QSO
you are breezing along ( - in which case you won't need any advice from anyone . .)


Posted: 2021-08-14 02:14
Thanks, Chris. My goal of 25 wpm relates to my goal of qualifying to join the CWops club. Its standards are a little vague but basically say you need to be able to send and copy 25 wpm and be able to carry on a CW conversation. What do I want to copy? Call signs and exchanges in contests and just ordinary conversation in QSOs. Are you familiar with transmissions (for practice) by the ARRL's W1AW station? If I could do a decent job copying its 25 wpm transmissions, I will fee I have made the grade! I'll try your tip on warming up. Tnx and 73,

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