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Thread: Morse Ninja

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Posted: 2020-04-25 21:35
Best thing since sliced bread! Listening to it in the car, working in the garden etc.

Tremendous help with head copy!

Posted: 2020-04-28 16:44
Well since you mention both Morse Ninja and Head Copy, let get give a plug for my companion tool.

You can generate practice material (words, code groups, mix of both, etc.) in the character order that Morse Ninja used for training - and then play that with LCWO in the Convert text to CW (or make an MP3 of it).

AS far as head copy, I have been using the concept of having the same word (or code group) play 2x or 3x if longer words, The first time I just listen, the second time I write it. This lets me keep the speed a little more aggressive.

You can look for all info at http://qsl.net/wa2nfn

If you have any questions let me know

Posted: 2020-04-29 12:36
https://morsecode.ninja/practice/index.html Here's the link

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