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LCWO Public profile: AG2F

[AG2F] Name:Kyle Smith
Location:Sugarloaf Key, FL
Signed up:2011-04-19
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About me: In an age when txt messaging is nearly universally available, I find myself drawn to the one of the most primitive forms of radio communication, Morse code. It is a joy to teach my son, who is only now learning to read, the fun of sending and receiving morse code. I believe people will be drawn to this mode of communication for many generations to come. I know in the world of DX'ing, one can operate CW without actually knowing anything more than how to tecognize their own call sign being sent at high speed, with the aid of programs like CWSkimmer. However, my goal is to be able to have a lengthier QSO, utilizing only my ears and a straight key. There is something distinctly human about the way a radio operator can decode a particular morse code signal, even when conditions are too difficult for computer programs to succeed at deciphering the signal. 73 de Kyle AG2F