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Thread: Kind feature request

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Posted: 2024-09-26 10:57
I could see a certain little feature be very helpful to many people. It’s just a little visual hook that would not require you to watch elsewhere for the same information.

On the results page of the group mode you’ve got three columns: sent received error

The error column shows correct letters in green and missed or wrong letters in red-underlined.

I am always shocked when I e.g. see two red letters in a block just to find out (by moving my eyes over to the received column) that I couldn’t keep up with the pace and simply mentally aborted the group.

I think it would be nice to distinguish a missed letter from a false letter by color coding it differently e.g underlined/black or underlined/light-red. Or even leave it blank (or a red underlined blank) like in the received column.

That way you could get all the information in one place instead of having to consult the sent/received column.

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