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Thread: iPad Problem

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Posted: 2024-09-26 10:35
I am trying hard to accommodate the web-app to my workflow and there is one iPad specific problem that totally throws one out of a practicing flow.

It is in group mode (but maybe also in other modes, don’t know yet) that when I am falling behind the pace of the sequence, I tap the pause/resume button. Unfortunately, when you are using the soft keyboard on the screen, tapping outside the keyboard also closes the keyboard.

So in order to continue you have to tap in the text field to make the keyboard appear again and then you have to press the pause button again to resume the sequence.

I don’t know whether this behavior is imposed by iOS in any browser window or if the web page can request when to close the keyboard, e.g. only when pressing the send button on the web page but not when tapping somewhere else. And of course there is always the obligatory close button on the soft keyboard itself.

But I was rather thinking of a more elegant solution ;-)

What about a double (or triple) tap on the space key that pauses/resumes playback and of course in turn automatically removes the 2 (or 3) submitted (unwanted) spaces.

Somehow like the DOT functionality in word mode (that repeats the last word).

That way you are not required to make your hand move away from the keyboard up to the web page and do the whole dance mentioned above.

AFAIK there is no use of a double (triple) space in Morse code so this functionality might as well be useful in other practicing modes and hence could be individually or optionally turned on/off in your personal user settings.

What do you think?

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