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Thread: Seeking software recommendation

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Posted: 2024-09-17 18:13
Hi. I'm looking for a simple Windows utility for a non-ham radio application. One that presents a screen field to type into, and outputs Morse, either with a tone or a closure to ground via USB. Ideally one could choose whether to output the Morse instantly, as its typed, or the text could be accumulated, edited, and then dispatched with a single command. Free- or share-ware preferred, but all ideas welcome. Many thanks!

Posted: 2024-09-18 00:26
Nice, but sri (sorry) AFAIK the purpose of this website is not to suit people, with free programming services, but to enable them to learn to decode Morse code at any level of proficiency.

May be that the "Convert text to CW" utility on this website will suit you, at least partially.

Posted: 2024-09-18 16:45
I know a few applications that can do that on Linux, but on Windows the closest to what you ask is fldigi.


Posted: 2024-09-18 16:47
They also have a group:


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