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Invoeging: Something Magical at 60 wpm!

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Geplaatst: 2010-03-12 00:29
I decided to listen to call signs at 60 wpm today and copy in my head as I drove down the freeway and something MAGICAL took place for only about a minute but I cannot get it to duplicate itself right now.

I had listened to my pocket cw tutor with the lcd screen and periodically looked at the call signs, driving and listening at 60 wpm only, I began copying full call signs without any mistakes and it actually sounded like music as I started to move my head slightly to the rhythm. I looked down at the lcd screen on the pocket tutor and I was copying the calls right. It was so cool but hard to explain. It only lasted about a minute though and for only about 4 or 5 call signs.

To better explain it was like when you tune the bands and hear a guy ripping along at a much higher speed than you can copy. You grab your paddles to send your call as super fast as you can in a big hurry; that's the best I can explain. These calls were coming at me plain as day but then I went back to struggling.


Craig, AH8DX

Geplaatst: 2010-03-12 02:25
Way to go, Craig!

It's all in your mind. I think everyone who ventured into high speed CW had such a moment sooner or later. It's when you might realize that the voice in your head that keeps saying "I can't do 60wpm" is the only reason why you can't copy it.

Pretty much the same with everything one learns. Many years ago I tried to learn juggling. It never worked. Then, from one second to the other, I could do it. Probably because I was unalert for a second and forgot my anxiousness. Same when I learned to drive the unicycle :-)

I hate to say, but even though I know this mechanism very well, it's difficult or impossible to switch it off. I find myself hitting limits in QRQQ, which I know are only of a psychological nature, but it takes a long time to overcome those.

Last weeks have been very busy again; I completely neglected LCWO but it's nice to check back and see many interesting new discussions unfold.

I'll be back; I hope the work load will be lower next week.

73, Fabian DJ1YFK

Geplaatst: 2010-03-18 07:59
Hi, Craig!
First of all, my congratulations for your achievement.
It's not a magic thing, it is your unconscious mind shifted in gear.
As more you will practice, as easier it will work for you. :-)
Keep up the good job

73, Imi HA7AP


Geplaatst: 2010-03-18 14:42
Imi (HA7AP),

I appreciate your very kind words; they greatly are welcomed.

Lately I have been trying to duplicate the magic (I use this word because I didn't understand what was taking place), but I believe that I am trying too hard and must learn to not push as it will come naturally.

I have noticed that when I make a Rufz or LCWO run of callsigns that the magic fades in and out for a few calls and a rhythm starts to get going. Once I realize it happening, I get stressed and start thinking too much and it goes away. Next week I will be on a boat heading south into the Pacific and will fully be relaxed. I will have internet to saty in touch.

If you would like, please put a request in to join our small group of guys that are working towards 100wpm so that we can help each other.

The groups name is HST training. Once there, I will have questions for you as I do not want to clutter this general forum.

Again, thanks much for your kind words,

Craig, AH8DX

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