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Thread: What is "the right way to look at this"?

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Posted: 2024-07-19 22:31
I am a total beginner. I even had to put in a 5 second start delay to let me get my hands in place!!!

The problem is... I can hold together for maybe 10 to 13 characters and THEN I go off the rails.
Since there is no way to resync.... I just stop where I am and recall the page and start over.

Is this the RIGHT way to proceed? Is this really going to get me anywhere?

It just seems frustrating at that speed... but the instructions say to start the way it is set....


Posted: 2024-07-20 00:04
Try to set speed to 20 / 5, then you have more time.

Posted: 2024-07-20 00:12
You are on day one, so perfectly normal.

This is not as easy as you may have been led to believe.

Be careful of typing unless you can touch type automatically - else you may link morse to keypress not morse to letter. Maybe better to write it down.

Try some different audio frequencies and see if any are easier to hear dits and dahs.

Also, try listening and not writing/typing anything - maybe just say the letter to yourself.

You learn by constant repetition - hear sound -> character pops into your mind, repeat, repeat until it becomes automatic.

Writing/typing-in is for measuring how good you are doing - but no help in practicing decoding in itself.

Counter intuitively, you may sometimes find it easier to concentrate on hearing when you are getting a bit tired and everything else is shutting down for sleep - sound fades last.

As you improve you may well find it all begins to sounds slower somehow.

Watch out moving on too fast - get a few 905s first. if you move on whilst it;s in short-term memory only, you may find you stall a bit about exercise 10 - 12

Don't give up. You'll get there. Just put the time in, say 15 mins morse time a day, maybe twice a day; with breaks to recover. 1 min at a time is fine.


Let us know how you are getting on.


Posted: 2024-07-21 11:46
Don't think you can learn morse the easy way. It takes everyday practise. Start slowly and increase speed one step at a time. I started to do serious learning 7 months ago with 24/8 wpm speed. After I did lesson 40 with this speed for 100% I increased to 24/9 and do it all over again. I'm now at 28/11 wpm speed which is just at the edge of my abilities now. I also do a lot of ohter excersises like word training, callsign training, plane text training and code groups (especially numbers). It helps a lot. Try to do a 15 minute excersise every day. And if you have a bad day just don't. Good luck!


Posted: 2024-07-21 20:53
Deleted for posting on wrong thread

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