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Thread: add spaces between characters in "word training" page?

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Posted: 2024-05-14 08:42
Dear Fabian, is it possible to add some spaces between characters of each single word in the "word training section"?
I'm still a cw newbie and is difficult for me to comprehend, at first listening, the word without spaces (I like to use the Farnsworth method in "code groups" which add extra space beetween the letters)
best regards

Posted: 2024-05-14 22:03

In "Change cw settings", set:
Extra Word Spacing to "1".

After that in Code goups, you have longer space betwen group (word).

Posted: 2024-05-15 00:15
Word training is meant for "Speed Practice", it's better to "graduate" from Koch Method at certain speed first.

Posted: 2024-05-15 06:18
@buggi7 I meant the space beetween each letter of the same single word, not group space

@ag6aq You're right, but I'd like to choose incrementally my personal speed to improve (Farnsworth method doing that) like code group section

Posted: 2024-05-16 04:44
Since I started to use this website I have only been doing the lessons. The other day I discovered Word Training and I struggle with it. I started at 20WPM. However, I have found that this has really helped me with my CW lessons which I have set to 25 WPM.

So I would recommend keeping it at 0 between the characters.

Posted: 2024-05-16 06:15
@jdm2 it would be an option, not mandatory, like in codegroups (where is called effective speed). with farsnworth method you reduce space gradually, from a value you're confortable with it, to zero

Posted: 2024-05-24 21:05
My first day on the site - is there an example of the correct format to write down the K/M exercise groups as encountered in the introductory lesson?

Meaning how do you group the MKMKM, KMKMM responses?

Posted: 2024-06-01 12:05
John: See https://lcwo.net/courseintro - just group them as 5 letter groups with spaces in between.

IU7RAL: Farnsworth is possible in Word training, by setting the "minimum character speed" above the speed. E.g. character speed 20, speed 10wpm, then you will start with Farnsworth, and as you move up, the spacing will gradually become smaller, until you reach 20wpm, where you will no longer have Farnsworth timing.


Posted: 2024-06-02 08:00

IU7RAL: Farnsworth is possible in Word training, by setting the "minimum character speed" above the speed. E.g. character speed 20, speed 10wpm, then you will start with Farnsworth, and as you move up, the spacing will gradually become smaller, until you reach 20wpm, where you will no longer have Farnsworth timing.


thank you very much! 73

Posted: 2024-06-29 02:20
John: See https://lcwo.net/courseintro - just group them as 5 letter groups with spaces in between.

IU7RAL: Farnsworth is possible in Word training, by setting the "minimum character speed" above the speed. E.g. character speed 20, speed 10wpm, then you will start with Farnsworth, and as you move up, the spacing will gradually become smaller, until you reach 20wpm, where you will no longer have Farnsworth timing.


This is pretty fun to do, however is there a way to keep this static? In other words have the same settings that we have in “CHANGE CW SETTINGS” that has Character Speed and Effective Speed. The setting s we’re able to use to create Farnsworth spacing incorporated into the settings for words. Maybe that’s a better way to say it.

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