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글: hand writing decoded CW

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전송됨: 2019-04-15 10:49
A lot of people think they can not write fast enough to decode CW by hand.

Mostly because they need during the learning process too much time to decode, which yields less time to write.

Test your writing speed:


the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's back

neasure with a stopwatch the time you need.

When you write capitals the military way, try it again with longhand, watch the difference.

Do it again with an easy gliding pen and small longhand characters, watch the difference.

What will be the fastest CW you can write down?

Answer: speed in wpm = 593/t with t the time in second to write that sentence down.

전송됨: 2019-04-15 15:30
I have a problem with my own handwriting: it's terrible and I can't decode it afterwards. I tend to write a,o and q the same way. M same as W, N same as U and so on. If it's a full sentence, I can make sense of it, but random characters are a problem.

I'm also trying to improve my touch typing skills at the same time. I'm probably putting too much on my plate.

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