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Who is online? (48)

LCWO Public profile: KJ7R

[KJ7R] Name:Rick LeFevers
Location:Phoenix, AZ, USA
Signed up:2012-08-04
User groups:
About me: I learned just enough code to upgrade to General in the 90's. I passed that test then upgraded to Extra a few years later.

I don't get much airtime, code or otherwise, due to work taking up all my time - over the last few years especially.

Now I want to refocus on radio, get my shack in order, some metal in the air again, and relearn code with a goal of actually using it this time around.

It will take a few years since I still have to work, but I’m in it for the long haul and more committed than ever before.

So, we'll see how it goes.

'73 KJ7R

Statistics Overview

Speed Practice  Place  WPM  Score  Attempts 
Code Groups
 - letters   -/13402 - 0
 - figures   -/3778 - 0
 - mixed   -/3353 - 0
Callsign Training -/12225 - 0
Word training -/12757 - 0
Speed Practice  Place  max. WPM  ø Accuracy  Attempts 
Plain Text Training -/21297 - 0
QTC training -/5165 - 0