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LCWO Public profile: DITman

[no user image] Name:
Location:Hessen, Germany
Language:Deutsch (German)
Signed up:2020-12-24
User groups:German Speaking Users, English Speaking Users
About me: I started training on LCWO.net on December 24th 2020. A few years before that I had tried to learn morse code using the software WDmorse, but didn't get very far.

On LCWO I started out learning with the Koch lessons on 20/10 speed. After lesson 17 I switched to using the MorseMachine because it was becoming increasingly stressful to keep up and get a good score in the Koch lessons. While I probably would have gotten faster results with the Koch lessons, I am learning morse code in my free time for fun, so I chose the less stressful way, even if it takes longer.

Around lesson 20 I raised the character speed in MorseMachine from 20 to 25 wpm. Initially I tried it just to see if I could recognize the characters at all at the higher speed, but I was surprised to find that it made no difference for me. I recognized the characters just as well and just as fast as at 20 wpm, so I stayed with the character speed of 25 wpm.

In MorseMachine I always reached an effective speed of around 4 or 5 wpm from lesson 18 all the way to lesson 40. I reached lesson 40 in May 2022.

During the whole time from December 2020 until May 2022 I trained only one or two days a week for about 15 to 45 minutes a day, so you could get through the lessons faster if you train every day. I wouldn't recommend training the way I did to anyone. Check the forum for better recommendations on how to learn morse code and actually get good results. I was just too lazy to do it the recommended way and accepted the fact that it would take longer my way.

Now that I completed all 40 lessons, I am working on increasing my effective speed. So far I am still using MorseMachine, now at a character speed of 30 wpm (just because I found that I can recognize the characters just as good as at 25 or 20 wpm). I am still reaching an effective speed of 4 to 5 wpm in MorseMachine.

Statistics Overview

Speed Practice  Place  WPM  Score  Attempts 
Code Groups
 - letters   -/13381 - 0
 - figures   -/3766 - 0
 - mixed   -/3349 - 0
Callsign Training -/12203 - 0
Word training -/12726 - 0
Speed Practice  Place  max. WPM  ø Accuracy  Attempts 
Plain Text Training -/21260 - 0
QTC training -/5159 - 0