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Who is online? (25)

LCWO Public profile: vk6ajp

[no user image] Name:Anthony
Location:Perth, Western Australia
Signed up:2014-10-01
User groups:
About me: Working on my CW to get good enough to do SOTA activations!

Statistics Overview

Daily activity counting completed practice sessions.

Speed Practice  Place  WPM  Score  Attempts 
Code Groups
 - letters   7100/14034 - 4
 - figures   -/4000 - 0
 - mixed   -/3569 - 0
Callsign Training 5162/12811 20 2500 2
Word training -/13405 - 0
Speed Practice  Place  max. WPM  ø Accuracy  Attempts 
Plain Text Training -/22309 - 0
QTC training -/5430 - 0