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LCWO Public profile: KK4AXX

[KK4AXX] Name:Mark T. "Bull" Jones
Location:Mobile, AL USA
Signed up:2012-06-10
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About me: Edit Value
First off, nearly no one calls me "Mark". More commonly I am called by the name my father stuck on me for being severely hard-headed once my mind is made up - "Bull". Should you catch my on the air, that is the best thing to call me, other than my call sign, of course!

I am a husband to a beautiful & devoted wife, Beth; a father to six (yes, 6) fantastic children; a veteran of the US Navy; a disabled American (spinal cord injuries); a Diest; and a Freemason (F & AM of Alabama, Scottish Rite, Eastern Star, & DeMolay). What I enjoy most is spending time with my family, but do have other hobbies. Those include shooting, reloading, living history, camping, gardening & fishing. I also enjoy reading, and writing when the Muse is with me, & working on new & interesting projects.

On a final note I should add that our family operates a tax exempt (501(c)(3))Chaos & Critters Rescue logo animal rescue known as Chaos & Critters Exotic Animal Rescue where we take in those un-wanted or sick animals in the pet trade that are not the standard dog or cat. From parrots to pythons, we see it all! We are successful, too, in finding good homes for each one. Visit our website to learn more.

I look forward to meeting you on the air. 73!