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Thread: Thank You

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Posted: 2024-04-16 08:52
I just want to reach out and say, "Thank you for everything you have done to keep this site alive". I'm sure you understand how helpful this site is, but I feel I need to add to the knowledge.

I'm so new to Morse Code, I'm not even crawling, yet.

I started with a phone app to just learn what each letter and number is, and then some of the most common symbols (. , ? = / ). After getting somewhat of a hang of those, I searched for something that would boost the training.

I do not have any amateur radio license, yet. I am currently studying, as well as learning CW. I do not need to know CW, but it is a mode that really appeals to me.

I started at 10wpm and 5wpm Farnsworth, with the morsemachine custom to all I've learned. I quickly decided to go to 15wpm/5, but decided to go at 20wpm/5 Farnsworth. If I'm reading the results correct as I go, then I'm actually at about 3.5wpm, after thinking about what I heard, hitting the wrong letter by accident, hitting the wrong letter on purpose, repeating some characters 2-6 times, etc...

Anyway, I have a lot of hope for my progression, and I'm going to owe it to this site.

Thank you, again.


Posted: 2024-04-17 18:51
Hi Magtour,

Same here, no license yet but studying. My speed 22 Wpm/5 Wpm.


Posted: 2024-04-18 03:41
Nice work, Jan. Today, I am at about 20/4.6 wpm.

I'm studying all the exams, so it'll be a little while before I take the tests... Currently scheduled for September, but I'll jump it up, if I find myself ready before then. However, I'm hoping I will also have my CW up to 20wpm/20wpm by then.

I've found this to be my personal favorite tutor. I looked at the Long Island CW stuff, but they charge a fee and it's Zoom based... meh.

Good luck,

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